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What Does Strength and Conditioning Do?

Sep 20, 2023
Strength and Conditioning in Bedford and Portsmouth, NH and its Surrounding Areas

Everyone desires good health, a stronger body, and being more active. But sometimes, this can be hard to achieve because of pain, poor diets, and injuries. Pain enhances the undesirable chemicals in the body that cause fatigue and stress. These chemicals make exercise hard to do due to tension in muscles. Pain also affects the endocrine system, which controls hormones and everything that happens in the body.

So, what about solving all these issues with a proper diet and exercise? Exercise plays a significant role in the effectiveness of your treatment as it is a big part of physiotherapy. Strength & Conditioning Therapy, in particular, can help people to prepare for their daily activities. Also, it helps everyone regardless of their situation. Even if you are a marathon runner, a person who works 9 to 5, or a mother who stays at home, strength and conditioning exercises will help you complete your tasks more efficiently, comfortably, and accurately.

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What are strength and conditioning?

Strength and conditioning are the development and selection of dynamic and static exercises. These exercises are used to improve overall physical performance. Strength and conditioning training was found to give benefits only to athletes. This exercise benefited athletes, and now it is widely delivering benefits to athletes and regular people. If you want to know about different training sessions, including functional movement assessment, stretching assessment, strength training, fitness training, and more.

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What do strength and conditioning do?

To understand the mechanism behind strength and conditioning exercises, here are the following points:

  • Strength and conditioning enhance sporting and physical performance. This exercise develops every part of the body and improves the person’s way of moving.
  • Research proves that appropriate and correct training sessions can improve physical performance. Conversely, it shows that doing an exercise improperly can compromise your physical performance and everyday task. Whether walking on the roadside or the way you play any sport.
  • Strength and conditioning exercises include a variety of exercises to build a wide range of skills with a focus on mobility, mind, strength, stability, speed, power, endurance, performance, and agility.
  • Strength & Conditioning Therapy combines many training sessions such as aerobic conditioning, strength training, sport-specific training, speed, and agility training.
  • This training session aims to improve endurance and strength, prevent injuries and incidents, reduce the severity of sports injuries, and improve overall performance and techniques.
  • Beneficial for every age of people, whether you are an older person or a young person who wants to live a healthy and quality life.
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What are the principles of strength and conditioning?

Strength and conditioning mean engaging in activities that can help you improve your fitness and performance. To understand the true meaning of strength and conditioning, you have to understand the six principles of sports training.

Principles of sports training

These 6 principles of sports training will help you understand strength & conditioning therapy better.

Everyone’s body responses are different, even for the same training sessions. This happens because of individual characteristics, like, training age, biological age, gender, body shape, body size, previous injuries, etc. So, the training should be tailored according to a person’s needs and characteristics.

Physiological adaptations to training are particular to muscle areas exercised, exercise intensity, metabolic demands, and specific motions and activities.

Some exercises require training with more significant stimulus than the body is used to. This can only be achieved by increasing the intensity, frequency, and duration of the workout and training session.

Progression or Periodization:
To enhance performance, overloading should occur at an ideal level and time period. Overloading too soon might result in poor technique or injuries, while overloading slowly can result in little or no progress.

Diminishing returns or Adaptation:
The amount of progress in performance that an individual achieves as a result of training is determined by their degree of training and
fitness programs. When a newbie begins training, they will observe significant and relatively rapid increases in performance, but, as they acquire experience, the gains will become less and more gradual.

The effects of the training will start to demolish if you do not exercise for an extended period of time. So, it is better to do exercise with your regular routine.

According to PubMed:

  • A survey shows that 75% of people from the human performance-related fields are certified strength and conditioning specialists.
  • The Strength and Conditioning Journal was the most frequently used professional resource (94%)
  • 93% of people used a periodization protocol
  • 97% utilize multiple setups
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What are the benefits of strength and conditioning?

The benefits of strength and conditioning therapy can be different for athletes and normal people.

Benefits for athletes:

Proper training in strength and condition helps athletes in:

  • Strengthen supporting muscles
  • Even out muscle imbalances
  • Improves flexibility and mobility
  • Correction of posture
  • Stabilize joints
  • Enhance coordination and new learning movement assessment patterns
  • Learn new peripheral skills
  • Increase muscles strength, fiber size, and endurance
  • Strengthen mental health
  • Enhance natural recruitment
  • Improves the functionality of connective tissues
  • Improves bone health
  • Enhance motor skills
  • Improve confidence level to engage more in physical activities

Benefits for normal people:

Normal people can get many benefits from strength and conditioning if they train under a professional. It also helps them maximize their fitness level and minimize the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.

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Other Benefits:

  • Lower abdominal fat
  • Enhance cardiovascular health
  • It helps control the blood sugar level
  • Reduce cancer risk
  • Lower injuries risk
  • Enhance mental health
  • Elevated body image
  • Improves flexibility and mobility


As you can see, strength and conditioning not only gives benefit athletes, but normal people also take benefit from it. So, to make everyday life good for everyone, you should work on the principles of strength and conditioning and encourage others to do so.

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